Sung by the sheep
MOOSE: “No! No! No! The spirit of the free and open Net is not something that can be owned! Let’s see what they say on Wiki Island. They know everything!
NARRATOR: The pack comes to a lush island that contains several beautiful farms where many sheep are working cooperatively in the fields. The crops seem to be growing more plentiful as they work. The sheep are obviously prospering, even though they freely share everything on the island. They explain the secret of their success:
What’s so common in the commons?
What everybody knows:
Many minds can solve all problems
When minds are not enclosed.
Thought is best when free.
It’s the master key.
Creativity is common,
Here it grows and grows.
Wiki wiki wiki hi-ho!
Work together now let’s go
Many eyes to scrutinize
Cut the job down to size
Wiki wiki hi-ho!
What’s so special in the commons?
Everybody shares,
Anything from zithers to almonds,
You can find it there.
But the best part, all agree,
Without property
Sharing’s common in the commons,
Not extraordinaire.
Wiki wiki wiki hi-ho!
Work together now let’s go
Many eyes to scrutinize
Cut the job down to size
Wiki wiki hi-ho!